07/26/2021 - Dark Tower - King Builder Q School GTE23 Inspired

AO: Dark Tower

When: 07/26/2021


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Augustus Gloop, Beach Boy, Big Gong, Dingo, Drago, Hootie, Ice Tea, Overthrow, Persian Kitten, Riunite, Rooney, Snoop-A-Loop, Sun Devil, Townie, Unicycle,

DR Names: N/A

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Not FNG's Trinity, Mighty Mouse & Cable Guy

QIC: Aladdin


@channel :tokyo_tower::flashlight: Dark Tower PreBlast for Monday 7/26 0515-0600 :tokyo_tower::flashlight:

*not your regular BC
*I’m not a professional

Join YHC mañana as we change it up a bit with a King Builder/Q School beatdown. The pace will be slower explaining the basics along the way. What’s our F3 Mission?

Leave the coupons at home and come find out. HC in the :thread: :point_down::skin-tone-4:  


5 Core Principles

Disclaimer given

Let’s party!





Abe Vigotas IC 11

Tappy Taps IC 10

We practiced HTC and worked on our cadence.


Mosey to thang one 


The Thang

11’s on MY hill (thang one)


also written as 11s. An exercise in which you start with 1 rep of one exercise and 10 reps of another exercise, then add one additional rep to the first exercise and subtract one rep from the second. The sum must always add up to 11. 10 Burpees at the bottom of the hill and 1 merkin at the top. You know the drill.

This thang served the purpose of OYO We went over how to plan thangs, which take longer time, the importance of keeping the PAX together, making sure we know our audience and FNG’s feel welcomed.

Mosey to Riverwalk Amphitheater 

Hold plank for the 6

Dora 1-2-3 (thang two)

Teams of 2 pax working together to reach cumulative exercise goals of 100, 200, and 300 reps. Pax 1 executes as many reps as possible while Pax 2 sprints 100 yards down and back. Flapjack until team goal is reached. Exercises are a top-to-bottom of body progression, i,e, 100 merkins per team (chest), 200 LBCs per team (core), 300 squats per team (legs).

This thang showed how the PAX can work in teams. I also pointed out the fact of keeping it simple. I copied and paste this unto my winki directly from the Exicon. I made the mistake early in my Q-ing career of getting too fancy too quick and walked away disappointed that day. I was trying to be cool instead of tying to be effective. Lesson learned. Don’t make my mistake. PAX asked questions.

Mosey back to the flags

Hold squat for the 6


Shoulder taps IC 20


Recover Recover

Answered more questions. Shared lessons learned a long the way. Challenged PAX to get on the Q sheet.

Circle of Trust

Take Others To A Higher Level 

We all want to be a positive influence in the lives of others. If we want to lift people up and add value to their lives, keep the following in mind:

  1. Lifters commit themselves to daily encouragement.
  2. Lifters know the little difference that separates hurting and helping.
  3. Lifters initiate the positive in a negative environment.
  4. Lifters understand life is not a dress rehearsal.

Everyone is capable of becoming a person who lifts up others. You don’t have to be rich. You don’t have to be a genius. You don’t have to have it all together. You do have to care about people to initiate lifting activities. 

Bring the mindset of lifting up others into your day today!

-Winning with People (John Maxwell)

GTE23 Took Me To A Higher Level

On a mission to GIVE IT ALL AWAY

I’m a river, not a pond. A river flows, a pond keeps it all in.

Prayers for Abby & Sparkler’s Family

Final Prayer

Naked Man Moleskin

YHC (Your humble communicator) was honored for this opportunity today. I was actually hungover which is pretty irresponsible, I know. Noted: Don’t hang with Boxcutter, Roadtrip, and OneBar on a Sunday. No regrets though yet certainly not proud. Luckily for me I practice enough (& continue doing so) in order to stay sharp. I also understand the importance of being confident. They talked about that at Grow Ruck school. If you’re going to lead, TAKE CHARGE they told us. I feel I did that. I can let myself down but I can’t let the PAX down, that adrenaline carried me through. I asked the PAX permission to keep it real with them. Permission granted, kinda. I’ve been busy at La Luz yet Dark Tower is my home AO and I’ll be damned if our standards start to slip. I might not be here but I’m watching…. I asked myself how I could add value and this idea came to mind. Sometimes it’s not that we’re scared to do something we simple don’t know how. We’ve had a lot of growth at DT (T Claps to all of you) and the time couldn’t been better. We did a lot of this at La Luz during black ops. Yesterday we talked about the fear of Q-ing and what prevents us from doing so. Judgement of others, probably the same thing that prevents us for EH-ing folks (along with a million other things). We humans sure are selfish. Obtaining clarity on our mission and purpose will change that. We will be less focused on self and more focused on opportunities to be of value.

Our Mission: To plant, grow and SERVE small workout groups for men.

Our Purpose: The invigoration of male community leadership.

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