05/27/2021 - The Complex - Ruck Club AMRAP

AO: The Complex

When: 05/27/2021


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Backdraft, Columbus, Mom's Group, Riunite, Ronda Rousey, Sparky, Tang, Turner, Woodwind,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Uncle Rico


YHC had absentmindedly not added this Q to his calendar when signing up, so the #infoonlychannel announcement on Sunday helped shine a light that this was on the horizon. The knees are still recovering from Lincoln Games so figured this was a manageable challenge even though posting has been few and far between to get the knees back in action.


With Rucks/Vests on: Tappy Taps IC x 10, Imperial Walkers IC x 10, Mountain Climbers IC x 10, Abe Vigodas IC x 15

The Thang


10 Burpees Over Coupon

20 Ruck Get-Ups

30 Military Press (lift coupon over head from shoulder to shoulder, each side is 1)

40 Flutter Kicks (L+R = 1)

50 Coupon Curls (Vertical)

Ruck a .45 mile Loop (after Round 2’s exercises Ruck 2 Loops…if we got to Round 3, would have been 3 Loops but didn’t get there)

Circle of Trust

Heard a line the other day in passing on the radio: “be careful what you put in your ears.” At first, didn’t know if they meant like physically (don’t stick things in yours ears, dumbass?) but context quickly gave way to meaning more about the content that goes in your ears. I quickly asked Siri to add that to my Reminders as it resonated with me right away on a few levels. First, what you listen to (what you put in YOUR ears) often shapes your thoughts, your feelings, etc. Be mindful of who you spend time with and even who you spend time listening to…But also, what about what you put in OTHER PEOPLE’s ears? What are your kids hearing around the house when you’re talking with friends or your partner?

Be mindful of what’s going in your ears, but also about what you are putting into others’ ears. Words matter. Tone of voice matters.

Love, Uncle Rico

Naked Man Moleskin

As YHC was trying to transfer the sternum strap from racksack to ruck plate carrier, heard more than a few grumblings and murmurs amongst the gathering PAX about the whole need for a Coupon. This wasn’t a classic out and back ruck march, rather wanted to include some PT time. Most of the time spent was on ruck marching but hopefully some of the PT left the PAX feeling stronger than when they woke up.

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