12/04/2020 - The Complex - Ruck Club Friday at The Complex

AO: The Complex

When: 12/04/2020


Number of Pax: 29

Pax Names: Ann Arbor, atat, Blowfish, Blueprints, Bunyan, Cousin Eddie, Fargo, Fender, Flush, Giggles, Huskie, Last Call, Marla Hooch, Mayhem, Mendoza, Nair, Pizza the Hut, Putz, Short Round, Spork, Super 8, Sweet Gherkins, Tang, The Mullet, Trailer Park, Turner, Webelos, Wet Wipe,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Blowfish


I’ve been siteQ at ruck club Black Panther since the inception so I haven’t had a chance to Q a ruck club of my own yet.  When I saw this Friday open on the Q sheet I had to jump on it.

I love rucking in all forms.  The 2nd F component mixed with 1st F is a great combo for me.  Like Jason from GoRuck says…it’s cardio for people that hate running.

When I put up the pre-blast I legit thought I’d have 8-10 PAX want to show up for ruck club, to my surprise that number kept growing all day long to a whopping 29!


We started promptly at 0515 with the disclaimer and a short warm-up.

Good mornings IC x 10

Abe Vigoda’s IC x 10

Knee and ankle rolls OYO

Neck rolls OYO

The Thang

Very simple ruck planned for this cold morning.

Two lines straight out to knock knolls park and back using a four minute tabata timer.

Rucked for four minutes then PAX had 12 seconds to get the pack off for some PT.

The usual suspects arrived for PT this morning.

Flutter kicks



Chest presses

Merkins with pack on

We ran low on time so we picked up the pace and skipped the last tabata PT.

Circle of Trust

100% stole this CoT from Pastor Bob Villa from his VQ on Thursday 12/3.  Well written and it really hit home for me right now so I couldn’t pass it up.


Most trees have a root system that goes out as wide as their drip pan.  Meaning as far as their branches spread out so do their roots.  A giant redwood tree in California can grow up to 240 feet tall and have a diameter of up to 15 feet but only have a root system of 5 feet wide.

Individually redwood trees can get toppled over in the simplest of wind storms but when redwood trees come together in a forest then their root system actually intertwines with other redwood trees then they are virtually indestructible.  Nothing in nature can topple over a forest of redwood trees.

F3 is the exact same concept.  When men are out there fighting SadClown syndrome by themselves the slightest wind storm can topple them over the brink.  But when men come together and have a shield lock nothing can bring them down.

So much of that statement has held true for myself in 2020.  I have no idea how I would have been able to handle this year without the help and support of my F3 brothers.

Find a F3 brother that hasn’t posted in a while, hit up your neighbor that you haven’t seen outside in a bit, do something to get men to realize that there is something else out there.  Something that is bigger than everyone individually.

Naked Man Moleskin

I’m still trying to figure out why I chose Super 8 and Flush to lead the two groups.  Super 8’s slowest pace is faster than my fastest rucking mile.  I’ll probably stew on that one for a while but it was good to have two very experienced ruckers out front.

YHC was in the middle of the pack encouraging PAX to pick up the pace and try to stay with the group.  Some obliged but some were too caught up in the 2nd F mumblechatter.  To each their own, that’s why I love rucking so much because you have a little bit of all of F3.

Thanks to the 28 HIMs that joined me today and listened to my CoT.  I appreciate it more than I could ever show my gratitude for.

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