04/21/2021 - The Citadel - Snoop Dog @ CIT

AO: The Citadel

When: 04/21/2021


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Ball Boy, Blow Dry, Bobby Fischer, Clearcoat, CVS, Puddin Pop, Puddles, The Wedding Planner, Tiny Dancer, Tonka,

DR Names: N/A

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names: Grimace not FNG

QIC: Aladdin


  9:28 AM

@channel The Citadel PreBlast 4/20 :four_leaf_clover: :dash: @ 0515 Join YHC mañana as we spend some time on Mount Citadel and the :baseball:️ :gem:. We might stay out of the sandbox tomorrow yet it’s hard for me to do when visiting this great AO. Bring the proper footwear and your coupons as we’ll need them for thang :v::skin-tone-4:but first HC :point_down::skin-tone-4: LFG!
F3 Disclaimer
F3 Mission
5 Core principles
Let’s party!


Tappy Taps IC 15

Abe Vigotas IC 15

Goofballs IC 15

Arm Circles Forward SC 15

Arm Circles Backward SC 15 (Faceplant Style)

I think that’s it…

Mosey coupons to Baseball diamond 3rd base aka Home Plate, Drop coupons and mosey to base of Mt. Citadel.


The Thang

Thang One 


also written as 11s. An exercise in which you start with 1 rep of one exercise and 10 reps of another exercise, then add one additional rep to the first exercise and subtract one rep from the second. The sum must always add up to 11.

Start with 10 Burpees @ the bottom

Run to lighted cone

1 Big Boy

(half way Tonka says “Do the big boys with your feet facing the hill, not on the incline”. We modified and followed suit)

I joked and told the PAX, Thank Tonka!

Thang Two

Two lines, each PAX sprint to lighted cone

Rinse and repeat.

(modified and stopped this short due to tough terrain)

Thang Three

Mosey back to Baseball diamond for….

7 of Diamonds

Performed on a large diamond (i.e. a square); we use the outside of a baseball field, but any large area will work. For the first round, do 7 reps of Goblet Squats at each of the 4 corners with a coupon mosey in between corners. Each round, increase by 7 reps with a different exercise each round, for a total of 4 rounds. Round 2, 14 Shoulder Press at each of the 4 corners. Round 3, 21 coupon pull overs each of the 4 corners.

Round 4, 28 curls at each of the 4 corners. (Ran out of time and PAX earned the 5mo with their effort)

Mosey back to Flags for Mary


Shoulder Taps IC 25

LBC’s IC 15

High Plank 30 sec


Circle of Trust

I shared with the PAX 2 paragraphs from the top of page 141 in David Goggins Book “Can’t Hurt Me”.

It was good, kinda shoulda been there are these typed words doesn’t do it justice. I’ll leave you with a sentence, “Physical training is the perfect crucible to learn how to manage your thought process because when you’re workin out, your focus is more likely to be single pointed, and your response to stress and pain is immediate and measurable.

The average person thinks 2,000-3,000 thoughts per hour. That’s thirty to fifty per minute.

Check your thoughts.

Prayers for Tonka’s friend who recently lost his M, all those who’ve experienced sudden death and their loved ones, and The Wedding Planner and his family as they welcome their new 2.0


Naked Man Moleskin

I love The Citadel…

I have lots of great memories here. Mt. Citadel and I have a love hate relationship. Ever since Fib’s RC way back when. Mt. Citadel hurt my ankle then and I’ve held a grudge ever since. Today I figured we’d attack things we hate; Mt Citadel, Burpees, and running. The PAX stood up to the challenge like I knew they would. Ball Boy lead from the front & Tonka stayed right behind him. Blow Dry doing an excellent job with Site Q responsibilities. Puddles had it in high gear. Grimace reminds me of me when I first starting coming out. I swear the more I’m around Pud’Pop the more I like the man. Tiny Dancer’s acceleration is getting me a little nervous. The Wedding Planner doing HIM thangsssssss. Clear Coat missed EC but we’ll let it slide this time. Bobby Fisher with a nice calorie burn and leading from the front on our EC run. CVS running like Forrest Gump at 4:30am, talk about dedication. I see them Miles brotha!

It was with great joy to be out there with you all. You filled my bucket, I hope I added to yours. Thanks for the push, the inspiration and the accountability. Last week I slacked on my BB for Complex BC and I didn’t want to make that mistake again this week.

Signing off…

See you @ the TOP!


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