12/02/2020 - Virtuosity - Brooklyn Beatdown – Tower of 7s

AO: Virtuosity

When: 12/02/2020


Number of Pax: 25

Pax Names: Backdraft, Backstage, Bean Counter, Blueprints, Bob Ross, Brooks, Buggs Bunny, Cannoli, Chun Li, Flutie Flakes, Hanger, Happy Meal, Moonlight, Mr. Hankey, Mudslide, Ozark, Sonny Bono, Sparkles, TPS Report, Trailer Park, Vitamix,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Willy Loman

QIC: Car Seat


After a welcome, the five principles, a disclaimer, and the introduction of an FNG, the PAX got set for the F3 renown Brooklyn Beatdown.


Simply warm-o-rama with explanations for the FNG:


Good Morning


Tappy Taps




Arm Stretch

The Thang

Thing 1 – The PAX climbed a mountain of 7s.  For seven rounds we added a new exercise performing 7 reps per exercise.

Round                   1              2              3              4              5              6              7             

Burpees               7              7              7              7              7              7              7

Hand-release                     7              7              7              7              7              7


Bobby Hurleys                                   7              7              7              7              7

BBSU                                                                     7              7              7              7

Revers Lunges [R/L = 1]                                                  7              7              7

Diamond Merkins                                                                            7              7

Navy Seal Burpees                                                                                           7


Thing 2 – During the Great Plague of the 1660s, Isaac Newton too a repose of his family’s country estate where he observed an apple falling from a tree, ultimately leading to his theory of gravitation – or as a layman might say “what goes up must come down”.


So, natural, we had to come down the mountain we climbed in thing 1.  All exercises were performed with a coupon.

Round                   1              2              3              4              5              6              7             

Blockees              7

Halos                     7              7

Coupon Swings 7              7              7

BBSU                     7              7              7              7

Thrusters             7              7              7              7              7

Tri. Extensions  7              7              7              7              7              7

Curls                      7              7              7              7              7              7              7


Things 3 – In honoring my 75th post (more or less), I chose three exercises that left me confused on my first post back on April 29th of this year:


75 reps each: merkins – coupon rows – side straddle hops


Exhausted, we finished with a couple minutes of Mary: American Hammers & LBCs.




Circle of Trust

We welcomed an FNG, encouraged to post by @Sonny Bono.  A salesman, he was christened Willy Loman after the character from Death of a Salesman (a rather inauspicious name, I might add).


I finished with a few words I will share in the Naked Man Moleskin and we offered up a prayer for the finances of the men of F3 Naperville, acknowledging Him as our source, and asking Him to meet all of our needs according to His riches in glory.

Naked Man Moleskin

I recently heard a sermon about David & Goliath.  I do not recall what was the preacher’s message; but, after having heard the story dozens of times, I was struck by something I never caught before.  As the story goes, King Saul encamps on a hill across from the Philistines.  For forty days, the two armies assemble for battle in the valley between the armies.  Each time, however, the Israeli army shrunk back in terror at the appearance and taunts of Goliath.   As anyone familiar with the story knows, in walked David, to save the day.


What struck me, however, was although King Saul’s army cowered in fear at their imposing enemy, it does not say they could not conquer those uncouth Philistines.  Were they underselling their own capabilities?


Perhaps, as a trained attorney, I am too much of a textualist; however, that is how I read the Scriptures, too.  Ruminating over 1 Samuel 17, the question that stayed with me was what if the Jewish army attacked?


Over the past few months, I have been confronted with several challenges, including an unexpected move, strain on my finances, and some health issues in my family, to name a few.  In the past, I might have been paralyzed at the challenges confronting me (or, to use F3 lingo, become a SadClown).


Mentally seizing what I will humbly call a revelation, instead of shrinking back from my challenges of late, I have been able to shrug them off taking affirmative action—whether big or small—addressing that which I can on the given day.


This has worked for me and I hope, maybe, the idea of advancing to confront one’s challenges instead of waiting for a hope-for solution to materialize, may resonate with some of the HIMs who joined me today.  It is my prayer that whatever challenge that any of these HIMs are facing dissolve or are otherwise overcome more rapidly than they could have possibly imagined.



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